题目:Gender Bias and Female Analyst Performance:Evidence from the #MeToo Movement
杨昊峄于2019年毕业于美国阿拉巴马大学,获得金融学博士学位。现任南京大学商学院会计系助理教授。其主要研究领域包括实证公司金融、投资和财务会计。研究成果已发表于Journal of Corporate Finance、Corporate Governance: An International Review、Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting以及International Review of Economics and Finance等期刊。他是美国精算师协会(SOA)会员,准精算师(Associate of the Society of Actuaries)。
This study investigates the impact of changing gender bias on the forecasting performance of female analysts. By leveraging the #MeToo movement as a shock to the prevailing gender-based discrimination, we find that female analysts’ forecast performance improves significantly after #MeToo, in terms of forecast accuracy, frequency, timeliness, depth, and breadth. Such improvement is more pronounced when the movement has triggered heightened awareness of gender bias. Further analyses reveal that the #MeToo movement affects female analyst performance by fostering a more gender-inclusive environment within the firms that analysts cover and the brokerage houses where they work, as evidenced by improved access to management and enhanced career assessment for women. Collectively, our results demonstrate that female analysts experience an improvement in their job performance as the gender bias against women is alleviated by the #MeToo movement.